

reels of negative black and white film

It would be misleading and disingenuous to say that we are photographers or in the business of photography. While we have done our fair share of photoshoots, and even been approached and hired to do photography, everything we do is in the service and experience of filmmaking. You may notice our technique and lighting styles differs from most photographers for that reason. Our eyes are balanced towards motion, instead of still - we have a great amount of respect for the skill and eye of still photography, and in many cases really enjoy doing these shoots! At the end of the day however, we are filmmakers having a go at photography and having some fun doing it

Our photos are a great way of getting a sneak peek behind the curtain of our production, as well as other opportunities! As a general rule, our photos are not for sale, but they are available at our discretion as a gift for certain supporters on Patreon as well as certain subscribers on our Discord.

An interesting byproduct from the years doing photography for various purposes such as art projects with friends and associates, has been learning the interesting intricacies of the US legal system with regard to photography copyright which we touch on, on our Instagram, as well as noted below. You can see more of our photos (both professional and candid) there too!

masked miltary mercenary holding a rifle in a forest

Notice: Under the Federal Copyright Act of 1976, photographs are protected by copyright from the moment of creation. According to the U.S. Copyright Office, the owner of the "work" is generally the photographer, and can be used for any editorial purpose without explicit permission from the subject in cases of professional works meant for public consumption, so long as the subject initially gave permission to be recorded. Such permission cannot be revoked without agreement between all parties or other extenuating circumstance. Copyright not only sets ownership, but also gives the owner the rights to copy, display, create derivative works, and transfer any of these rights to others.